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Hail Report  
Hail Report Information
Station Number: IA-AP-12
Station Name: Jerome 0.4 W
Date: 7/31/2024 10:59 AM
Submitted 7/31/2024 11:51 AM
Taken at registered location: True
Notes: Began to fall as heavy rain stopped. Quite a din of noise from the roof. Some of the stones were approaching half-dollar size and were flat. As I was watching, someone from the NWS Des Moines called to ask me about it. Almost hung up on him before I realized who it was, so I could watch the fall. Have only seen hail this big or bigger in Ames, Iowa when our poor Datsun was beaten to death by tennis ball-sized in summer of 1980.
Hailstone Information
Largest Size: 1 1/2" Ping Pong Ball Size
Average Size: 1 1/4" Half Dollar Size
Smallest Size: 1" Quarter Size
Stone Consistency: Hard, Clear Ice, White Ice
Hail Storm Information
Duration Minutes: 5
Duration Accuracy: 1min
Timing: Continuous
More Rain than Hail: False
Hail Started: After rain
Largest Hail Started: After smaller hail
Damage: minor leaf damage.shredded leaves
Hail pad information
Angle of Impact: 10-20
Number of Stones On Pad:
Distance Between Stones On Pad:
Depth Of Stones on Ground:
Has Samples: False