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Searched: Report date on 9/16/2024.
Showing 1 - 50 of 71 Records. <Back  Page   Next>
Report DateStation NumberStateCountyScale BarCategoriesDescriptionView
9/16/2024  AK-MS-12 AKMatanuska-Susitna Mildly Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
The fall rains have come on with a vengeance as I measured 2.42" of rain across six of the past seven days; this is around 56% of the total precipitation during an average September! It also comes on the heels of last week's run of rain. The ground is saturated with the rain just running off to low lying areas, streams and rivers. Our fall color took a real hit with the rain knocking many of the gold and yellow leaves to the ground; the moderate to fresh winds across the past 24 hours contributed as well. The wild bird activity is becoming more frenetic as they sense the coming seasonal shift. If one thing was to describe this year for me it would be the utter absence of moose in this general area. Hopefully, the transitory bear population will move on so we can once again enjoy those large ungulates. All told, we are poised to slip into the calendar fall season...  View
9/16/2024  CA-OR-67 CAOrange Near Normal General Awareness
Mostly cloudy, Cool, Calm  View
9/16/2024  CO-CH-45 COCheyenne Severely Dry Agriculture
Plants & Wildlife
Society & Public Health
How dry or wet is it? Severely Dry How much experience do you have with conditions there? 20 or more years How many times in the past have you seen it like this? Twice or more When was it most recently like this? 2020 How localized or widespread are the conditions you are reporting? Widespread. I personally track rainfall that spans across a line from the corners of southern Lincoln County through western Kiowa County into the western portion of Cheyenne County. I traveled to Amarillo, TX, this weekend and conditions did not change south through the Oklahoma Panhandle and only improved slightly into Texas. Though we did receive a thunderstorm towards, Brandon, CO, in Kiowa County last night it was spotty as they have been all year. How are crop conditions at this time? Very Poor - Extreme degree of loss to yield potential, complete or near crop failure. Planting Status: Later than normal Harvest Status: Later than normal Crop production: reduced_yield,plant_stress,erosion,other Crop production - Other: High temperatures and strong winds the last half of the week into today have dried out the soil even more since last week. Neighbors reporting that wheat seed they thought they had in moisture now is NOT sitting in moisture anymore. Other reports of having drilled 3 inches deep in an attempt to reach moisture further below. Many stands drilled in the last week and half are very spotty as of date. Many wheat fields still undrilled as producers wait for a thunderstorm to fall over their field. Fall crops are beyond repair with poor yield or complete loss predicted. Summerfallow fields just east and south of Eads blowing dust across highway 287. A mix of normal fall harvest start date to later than normal due to late sprouting "sucker" heads which will need a freeze to finish and then may influence grain with low test weights having not matured properly. How are range conditions at this time? Very Poor - Pastures provide very little or no feed. Supplemental feeding is required to maintain livestock condition. Livestock production: reduced_pasture_forage,feeding_hay_early,supplemental_feed,purchased_hay,animal_stress,less_water_in_ponds_creeks_etc,hauled_water,sold_livestock,erosion,other Livestock production - Other: Continued deterioration of pasture conditions since last week especially with high temperatures and strong winds. Public health impact: less_food_for_subsistence,garden_needs_more_water_or_yields_less,stress,other Public health impact - Other: The mental health of FARMERS AND RANCHERS is deteriorating as they manage the economic impact of poor markets and harvests having nothing to bring in for income yet continuing to endure inflated costs to steward the land. The added high temperatures and strong winds for this time of year as well as missed thunderstorms continues to add stress to farmers and ranchers. Household impact: increased_lawn_landscape_watering,dry_lawn,increased_power_bill Fire impact: more_fire_risk,smoke_fr  View
9/16/2024  CO-CR-18 COCrowley Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Any wind brings dust and feedlot smell. Green growth has mostly stopped on plants except where watered in yard. Ark River has very little water in it, in this area. No standing water in pastures. High coyote activity with very few birds. A couple of deer moving through. Any rain activity is staying along and south of the river or off east into Kansas.  View
9/16/2024  CO-DL-54 CODelta Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
No rain this past week until the 0.03 fell in the night last night. Lower temps are slowing evaporation. No heating or cooling required in the house. There was a red flag issued in the general area one day last week but no new fires that I'm aware of. Cool season grasses are still mostly dormant. Grasshopper population is down but not yet zero. Mosquitoes are very few and far between.  View
9/16/2024  CO-EP-291 COEl Paso Mildly Dry General Awareness
Little precipitation over past week, but temperatures in 80’s instead of 90’s, so the need for supplemental irrigation is missed by some. Everyone with a lawn should be watering - without watering, lawns are clearly stressed and dry.  View
9/16/2024  CO-GN-18 COGunnison Near Normal General Awareness
substantial rain in the past 6 weeks has it generally damp  View
9/16/2024  CO-LN-65 COLincoln Severely Dry Agriculture
Plants & Wildlife
Society & Public Health
How dry or wet is it? Severely Dry How much experience do you have with conditions there? 20 or more years How many times in the past have you seen it like this? Twice or more When was it most recently like this? 2020 How localized or widespread are the conditions you are reporting? Widespread. I personally track rainfall that spans across a line from the corners of southern Lincoln County through western Kiowa County into the western portion of Cheyenne County. I traveled to Amarillo, TX, this weekend and conditions did not change south through the Oklahoma Panhandle and only improved slightly into Texas. Though we did receive a thunderstorm towards, Brandon, CO, in Kiowa County last night it was spotty as they have been all year. How are crop conditions at this time? Very Poor - Extreme degree of loss to yield potential, complete or near crop failure. Planting Status: Later than normal Harvest Status: Later than normal Crop production: reduced_yield,plant_stress,erosion,other Crop production - Other: High temperatures and strong winds the last half of the week into today have dried out the soil even more since last week. Neighbors reporting that wheat seed they thought they had in moisture now is NOT sitting in moisture anymore. Other reports of having drilled 3 inches deep in an attempt to reach moisture further below. Many stands drilled in the last week and half are very spotty as of date. Many wheat fields still undrilled as producers wait for a thunderstorm to fall over their field. Fall crops are beyond repair with poor yield or complete loss predicted. Summerfallow fields just east and south of Eads blowing dust across highway 287. A mix of normal fall harvest start date to later than normal due to late sprouting "sucker" heads which will need a freeze to finish and then may influence grain with low test weights having not matured properly. How are range conditions at this time? Very Poor - Pastures provide very little or no feed. Supplemental feeding is required to maintain livestock condition. Livestock production: reduced_pasture_forage,feeding_hay_early,supplemental_feed,purchased_hay,animal_stress,less_water_in_ponds_creeks_etc,hauled_water,sold_livestock,erosion,other Livestock production - Other: Continued deterioration of pasture conditions since last week especially with high temperatures and strong winds. Public health impact: less_food_for_subsistence,garden_needs_more_water_or_yields_less,stress,other Public health impact - Other: The mental health of FARMERS AND RANCHERS is deteriorating as they manage the economic impact of poor markets and harvests having nothing to bring in for income yet continuing to endure inflated costs to steward the land. The added high temperatures and strong winds for this time of year as well as missed thunderstorms continues to add stress to farmers and ranchers. Household impact: increased_lawn_landscape_watering,dry_lawn,increased_power_bill Fire impact: more_fire_risk,smoke_fr  View
9/16/2024  CT-HR-57 CTHartford Moderately Dry General Awareness
Lawns are brown and dry when not irrigated. Gardens require irrigation for the first time since June. A lot of dust from field work, especially harrowing of harvested corn and tobacco fields.  View
9/16/2024  CT-MD-21 CTMiddlesex Near Normal General Awareness
All water courses appear at normal seasonal levels.  View
9/16/2024  CT-NL-40 CTNew London Mildly Dry General Awareness
Tourism & Recreation
Hardly any rain this month (0.05"). Ponds, streams and rivers at low levels or dry.  View
9/16/2024  CT-TL-27 CTTolland Severely Dry General Awareness
Business & Industry
Plants & Wildlife
Society & Public Health
Water Supply & Quality
Since the last report two weeks ago, there has been only one day with any measurable rainfall, and that was a scant quarter of an inch. The result is that conditions are now severely dry, with high fire danger, lawns once again yellowing and many vegetables and ornamentals needing regular watering to avoid burn out. Animal activity remains high, and water in the local reservoir continues to be ample. Business at local shops continues to be brisk. There have been no reports of widespread illness.  View
9/16/2024  FL-BW-167 FLBroward Mildly Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Rain continues nearly every day with some day delivering significant amounts have left the area as wet as I have seen very local conditions in the 3 years I have lived here. Temps are hot, but evening temps have slid a bit. AC use continues during the day at peak usage while nighttime demand has decrease somewhat.  View
9/16/2024  FL-PN-99 FLPinellas Mildly Dry General Awareness
Tourism & Recreation
Water Supply & Quality
This past week was relatively dry with this station reporting only 0.72 “ of rainfall. The grass remains green and outdoor and beach activities continue unabated  View
9/16/2024  IL-DP-178 ILDu Page Severely Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
Water Supply & Quality
Most yards are brown. Trails are very dusty and adjacent plant are covered with trail dust. Salt creek at Elmhurst is a foot below average  View
9/16/2024  IL-DP-189 ILDu Page Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Patches of brown grass, with almost all grass now dormant. Newer grass is requiring watering every couple of days and has very brown or dead patches. Shrubs showing signs of drought stress, including brown on edges of leaves, some color change, and some curling. Many trees in the neighborhood have started changing color with reds and muted rust colors being most common. Soil is very dry near the surface.  View
9/16/2024  IL-KD-126 ILKendall Severely Dry General Awareness
No rain in 19 day's and only 0.89 in the last 32 days. Lawn is turning brown in many places, cracks showing up all over lawn and flower gardens. Over the weekend many trees have started turning color. Birch trees have been dropping leaves for three days. Linda and I are Master Gardner's with the U of I extensioin. Very concerned about the drought.  View
9/16/2024  IL-WL-131 ILWill Moderately Dry General Awareness
Half way through Sept and no precip. MTD is running a 1.8" deficit and going into Aug is ~2.25" short. Grass is dormant & landscaping requires regular watering. YTD and Water YTD surplus is slowly decreasing to ~ 4.0" for both. Corn has made a quick transition to drying out, soybean fields starting to turn.  View
9/16/2024  IN-AL-1 INAllen Moderately Dry General Awareness
Grass crunchy dry and brown…trees losing leaves due to lack of water…  View
9/16/2024  IN-HM-34 INHamilton Moderately Dry Lawns have been browning in the past week. Majority of cornfields in the south half of Indiana are no longer green.  View
9/16/2024  IA-BT-11 IABenton Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Another week without moisture. Crops are maturing rapidly due to high temperatures and lack of rain. Lawns are browning, and maple leaves are changing color. Some birds are gathering for their migration.  View
9/16/2024  IA-BT-16 IABenton Moderately Dry General Awareness
The ground is cracking noticeably in a lot of places. The grass is showing water stress in most places and has not needed to be mowed in a week.  View
9/16/2024  KY-CB-10 KYCampbell Severely Dry General Awareness
Business & Industry
Plants & Wildlife
Station KY-CB-10 is in D2 - SEVERE DROUGHT. Only 1/3 the normal precipitation during the past 90 days. Only 0.47" of precipitation during the past 30 days. Only a trace of precipitation during the past week. Trees are showing significant signs of drought stress and wilting. The lawns are extremely brown in unwatered areas. The pond level is very low. Some of the residents are having foundation, driveway and sidewalk settling problems due to this intense drought. I have seen several foundation companies doing repair work in our local neighborhood area. For an example a driveway had settled several inches at a house by the garage door on the North East corner of Johns Hill Road and Westley Drive. The contractor worked all morning late last week concrete jacking their driveway and slab underneath their garage door. Grass is completely dormant except for areas where people have watered. Many of the local resideents have been watering their trees and are very concerned. Many residents bushes are dying, becoming very brown or are severely withering around their homes. Early leaf fall is now occurring in the forests. The lawns along busy roads are very susceptible to fires due to cigarette butts. The vegetation now is so dry in Campbell County that there is a high risk of brush or tree fires. There are many large cracks in the lawns. If we do not get a significant amount of rain by October 1st 2024, Category D3 - EXTREME DROUGHT is likely in our local area. This drought has been the worst ever since I have moved approximately 15 years ago. It is even worst than the great 2010 drought. Four County summary: Hamilton county is still D0 - Abnormally Dry but is likely to enter D1 - MODERATE DROUGHT sometime next week unless a significant rain event occurs. Most of Boone, Kenton and Campbell Counties are now definitely in D2 - SEVERE DROUGHT category except the Alexandria area east to the Ohio River area, the CVG airport and Hebron area. The CVG airport and the Hebron area will likely enter D1 - MODERATE DROUGHT category sometime next week if a significant rainfall event does not occur.  View
9/16/2024  KY-KN-15 KYKenton Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Lawns are brown. Many deciduous trees are dropping brown leaves. The soil is very dry. Not many song birds observed. Lots of squirrels about, mainly in the early morning and late afternoon.  View
9/16/2024  KY-LN-9 KYLincoln Mildly Wet General Awareness
Ground wet.  View
9/16/2024  ME-FR-27 MEFranklin Moderately Dry General Awareness
High Fire Danger. Fine Dead Fuel Moisture =8, Probability of Ignition = 40% No rain in the barrels for watering the garden. Leaves falling from the trees. Needles of conifers yellowing. Undergrowth becoming crunchy and dry. Dug well water level 1 foot below normal. Typically saturated areas, like the wetland near the well, are devoid of water but the soil is still damp to the touch. FFT2 Beattie DW  View
9/16/2024  ME-SM-3 MESomerset Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
No rain this week. third hay crop, knotweed and asters about only forage left.  View
9/16/2024  MA-NF-68 MANorfolk Mildly Dry General Awareness
grass has turned about 1/2 brown. leaves are starting to turn on dogwoods and azaleas. maples still green.  View
9/16/2024  MI-HL-13 MIHillsdale Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Same as last week only worse.  View
9/16/2024  MI-SW-12 MIShiawassee Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Society & Public Health
It's odd to be giving a condition report on the dry side, it's been a long time. We had so much rain most of the spring and summer, and now it hasn't rained in 9 days, or more than 1/3 inch in the last 18 days. My yard seems to be doing okay on keeping green (it's lower then most around here) but there are neighbors whose yards are toast already. Oddly enough, we are still several inches above average for the year. The river is low now, and running slow and clear. It has been unseasonably hot for the last couple weeks - mid 80's and sunny almost every day. The forecast looks like it it'll continue to be hot & won't rain for at least another week, so it looks like the trend will continue for a while. I likely wont need to mow for at least another week or two, rather than the once weekly I've been doing all year. Trees are continuing to turn colors slowly, but not very numerous yet. Birdseed consumption is up, hummingbirds are slowing down, but still coming.  View
9/16/2024  MI-WY-33 MIWayne Moderately Dry General Awareness
no rain in 10 days and very warm has dried out the garden and the grass  View
9/16/2024  MN-CS-74 MNCass Mildly Dry General Awareness
Hobson creek not flowing in some patches. Soil beneath grass somewhat powdery. Leaves on some trees and bushes have already dried and fallen without changing color.  View
9/16/2024  MN-HN-14 MNHennepin Mildly Dry General Awareness
Over the past week, the lack of significant precipitation has made the landscape look dry.  View
9/16/2024  MN-HB-40 MNHubbard Mildly Dry General Awareness
Tourism & Recreation
We have had only one significant rain event in the last month, and consistently above-normal temps in the 80s. Lake levels are dropping noticeably, lawns are dry and dormant, but most trees look OK and are mostly still green. Abundant sunshine could lead to a colorful fall.  View
9/16/2024  MN-MR-20 MNMorrison Mildly Dry General Awareness
The lake level has dropped to a seasonal low level. Lake outlet is not running. Lawns, crops, remain green. Some trees are losing leaves. Rainfall has been minimal over past two weeks.  View
9/16/2024  MN-SH-39 MNSherburne Near Normal General Awareness
Misty Cloudy and 67 Hi 84 Wind S 5 mph. Another normal day but hoping for some rain.  View
9/16/2024  MN-WR-48 MNWright Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
First near normal of the summer. Ground is still moist, but exposed soil is drying, and cracking (clay soil around here). Plants still have plenty of water available, and still no break with lawn mowing. Mosquitoes are still heavy, maybe a little better than last week. Fall migration has started, bluebirds are already gone, swallows too, and tons of hummingbirds migrating through. Keep your feeders full.  View
9/16/2024  MO-MY-2 MOMontgomery Mildly Dry Only 0.04 precip in Sept after 3.5 in Aug. Grass not growing and starting to see brown patches.  View
9/16/2024  MO-OS-10 MOOsage Moderately Dry General Awareness
The fields, pastures and farm roads are incredible dry and dusty. Grass in the yards and pastures are showing stress from lack of moisture. Grass has not had any growth for the past few weeks. Creeks are dry but pond levels are good considering the lack of rain recently. Weeds seem to be thriving though.  View
9/16/2024  MT-RV-18 MTRavalli Severely Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Although we got .44" rain this week, the most in 3 months, and it finally cooled off, it's still very dry. Streamflows are very low. Plants changing color and dropping leaves early. We were gone for a week and counting on predicted rain to water the garden, but the forecast was overly optimistic and the soil is very dry. No frost yet though, which is unusual. Cool weather and widespread light to moderate rain did suppress most of the wildfires and air quality is much improved.  View
9/16/2024  NE-LA-19 NELancaster Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
No rain so far in September. Many trees dropping leaves, especially cottonwood and walnut. Grass is dormant and weeds are dried up. Surface water low. Haven't seen as many birds as usual.They seem to have left. Fox has moved into the neighborhood early this year. Fire risk is rising with no green vegetation and crops drying down.  View
9/16/2024  NM-DA-371 NMDona Ana Severely Dry General Awareness
No new rain this past week so we're still sitting at 3.04 inches for the calendar year when we should be closer to 8 inches. We are dry, dry, dry. Our roads are turning to powder, our stock tanks are dry or drying up what little water was caught earlier this summer. Very little grass has grown this year, estimates show we only had about 2 pounds of growth per acre in much of the range. We are starting to see migrating birds come thru already, a few water fowl, Wilson's Warblers, Yellow Warblers, and a few Water Thrush.  View
9/16/2024  NY-AB-23 NYAlbany Mildly Dry General Awareness
We had a soaking rain last Saturday. Even so, the soil quickly dried and remains mild dry with a few wet spots here and there. If we don’t get rain in the next few days, we will have to raise the needle even more.  View
9/16/2024  NY-BM-14 NYBroome Near Normal General Awareness
Rainfall in the past month has been several inches below normal countering the above normal rainfall in July and June. No rain this week. The garden and lawn has slowed its growth. Local dairy farm still cutting hay for feed. Some corn being cut further away.  View
9/16/2024  NY-CB-16 NYColumbia Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Things are drying up, only 1" of rain so far this month, 2"in the past 4 weeks. grass and garden plants have stopped growing and are drying up, ground is dry, fire pond is holding full.  View
9/16/2024  NY-WY-11 NYWyoming Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Sunny and hot with light winds, then mostly clear overnight. The high temperature was around eighty degrees, and the low around fifty seven degrees Fahrenheit.. Songbirds are eating a feeder full every two days. Chicory, Jewelweed, Goldenrod, Joe Pye Weed and Asters are blooming. Canadian Geese are beginning to flock. Some Maple trees have red leaves, some Black Cherry trees are losing leaves. Apples are beginning to get red or yellow. All Corn is ripe, some is now being cut in a few fields. Fifth cutting of hay in some fields.  View
9/16/2024  NC-CW-59 NCChowan Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Out of town 1/2 of the week. Not much change since last week. 0.73" which is a bit below normal. Roadside and yard grasses are still green. Leaves on early droppers like blackgum are falling on schedule. Slightly below normal temperatures and shorter days mean less evapotranspiration. We will see what potential TS Helene has in store for us. It is currently forecast to move inland far to our south and then head NW, but the rain shield is going to be much heavier on the east side of the eye.  View
9/16/2024  NC-MS-19 NCMadison Moderately Dry General Awareness
Water Supply & Quality
We've been pretty dry this month receiving 0.23 inches in the past week and 1.23 inches for the month. In addition, we've had gusty winds for several days helping to dry us out even more. Water levels in creeks and springs is lower and the risk if fire is higher.  View
9/16/2024  OH-DR-35 OHDarke Moderately Dry Plants & Wildlife
Lawn is now dormant and any plant that has not been watered is dead. Trees are losing brown leaves in some instances. Agriculture seems to have weathered the lack of rain late in the season, allowing crops to dry and harvesting to begin.  View
9/16/2024  OH-ER-8 OHErie Severely Dry General Awareness
Crunchy grass, trees are turning, the corn is dying along with more trees and plants  View
Showing 1 - 50 of 71 Records. <Back  Page   Next>