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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: MI-SW-12
Station Name: Owosso 1.0 NW
Report Date: 9/16/2024
Submitted: 9/16/2024 3:23 PM
Scale Bar: Mildly Dry
It's odd to be giving a condition report on the dry side, it's been a long time. We had so much rain most of the spring and summer, and now it hasn't rained in 9 days, or more than 1/3 inch in the last 18 days. My yard seems to be doing okay on keeping green (it's lower then most around here) but there are neighbors whose yards are toast already. Oddly enough, we are still several inches above average for the year. The river is low now, and running slow and clear. It has been unseasonably hot for the last couple weeks - mid 80's and sunny almost every day. The forecast looks like it it'll continue to be hot & won't rain for at least another week, so it looks like the trend will continue for a while. I likely wont need to mow for at least another week or two, rather than the once weekly I've been doing all year. Trees are continuing to turn colors slowly, but not very numerous yet. Birdseed consumption is up, hummingbirds are slowing down, but still coming. 
Categories: General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Society & Public Health